Quick start
In the following examples, we will demonstrate how to anonymize specific columns of the UCI Adult dataset using either the Explicit or the Declarative approaches.
The first step is to load the CSV file into a pandas.DataFrame
import pandas as pd
dtypes = {
"age": "int",
"workclass": "category",
"fnlwgt": "int",
"education": "category",
"education-num": "category",
"marital-status": "category",
"occupation": "category",
"relationship": "category",
"race": "category",
"sex": "category",
"capital-gain": "int",
"capital-loss": "int",
"hours-per-week": "int",
"native-country": "category",
"y": "category",
df = pd.read_csv("adult.data", names=list(dtypes.keys()), dtype=dtypes)
Explicit approach
In the explicit the user directly instantiates techniques and apply them to specific columns.
from aindo.anonymize.techniques import Binning, TopBottomCodingCategorical # (1)!
# Replace education categories representing less or equal than 1%
# of values with "OTHER"
anonymizer = TopBottomCodingCategorical(q=0.01, other_label="OTHER") # (2)!
print(anonymizer.anonymize_column(df.education)) # (3)!
# Group age values into discrete bins and replace each age
# with its corresponding bin range
anonymizer = Binning(bins=[17, 20, 30, 50, 70, 90])
- All anonymization techniques are imported from
. - Create an instance of the Top-Bottom Coding technique for categorical data.
applies the anonymization technique to a single column (provided as a PandasSeries
) and always returns a copy.
For a complete list of available techniques and their parameters, please refer to API reference - Techniques.
Declarative approach
In the declarative approach a yaml configuration file needs to be created first, listing all the operations that need to be performed in the desired order, defining a pipeline of operations.
# aindo-anonymize table anonymization configuration
- method:
type: top_bottom_coding_categorical # specifies the technique to be configured
q: 0.01 # specific parameter for the Top-Bottom Coding technique
columns: [education] # list of column names to which the technique will be applied
- method:
type: binning
bins: [17, 20, 30, 50, 70, 90]
columns: [age]
Then, the defined configuration file can be loaded as pipeline and the pipeline executed.
import yaml
from aindo.anonymize import AnonymizationPipeline, Config
config = Config.from_dict(yaml.safe_load("config.yml"))
pipeline = AnonymizationPipeline(config=config)
Full documentation available at API reference - Pipeline.